
Company Details

CJG Consulting
4053 Basel


Contact Address
Telephone: +41 796 195 610


Authorized Persons
Marco Gadola
Britt Cecilia Juhlin


Commercial Register Entry  
Registered Company Name:
CJC Consulting GmbH

Basel-Stadt Commercial Register Office


VAT Number


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CJG Consulting offers no guarantee that the information provided is correct, accurate, up-to-date, reliable or complete. The author accepts no liability for damages, whether tangible or intangible in nature, arising as a result of accessing, use of or non-use of the published information, misuse of the connection or technical faults. All offers are non-binding. CJG Consulting reserves the right to change, add to or delete parts of web pages or the entire offering or to temporarily or permanently cease publication, without prior notice.

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We are not responsible for references and links to third party websites. We decline all responsibility for any such websites. The user accesses and uses such websites at his or her own risk.


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